A Child's path to excellence begins with the perfect role model and the perfect tools.
Research proves that Early Educaon is crical because:
We envision today’s children as tomorrow’s leadership icons. We have impacted a milestone departure from the teacher-led to the child-centric. Our learning environment enables each child to realize their unique learning style, while our MI-aided methodology helps them discover their own creative and aesthetic potential.
Every acvity in the school is done with a clear-cut objecve and outcome for the child.
In the 2 to 4 years category, we begin with fine motor and praccal life skills. English is introduced with
phonecs. Mathemacs is introduced with materials that help the child comprehend this very abstract
area. Other acvies help with cognive development and logical thinking.
In the 4 to 6 age group, children are taken through a program that covers fairly complex areas of language,
mathemacs, geography, history, and science in a manner that will help them and understand the